Friday, 17 June 2011

WHO Liberated South Africa???

The present leaders of the  ANC have made it very clear that they  regard it  as the exclusive bearer of the heritage of  the country’s liberation struggle--that they believe that the ANC singlehandedly freed us from the oppression of the apartheid regime. They need a lesson in history---. Pressure was brought to bear on the apartheid regime from many sources external and internal. It was a combination of these pressures that forced the regime to the realisation that the cost of maintaining apartheid was untenable and would unavoidably lead to civil war and economic ruination. Ultimately it was the mass rebellion of the ordinary people of South Africa that resulted in the downfall of apartheid. There is no denying that the ANC played an important role in the struggle.  The courage and selflessness of its past  leaders inspired ordinary South Africans to rise up and resist. We looked to the ANC for leadership and guidance.  Yet even then  the ANC was a distant presence-- most of its leaders in prison, exile or in hiding. Far more tangible and immediate was the United Democratic Front. This was a thoroughly democratic and accessible organisation, built from the ground up.It’s  leaders were active in their communities and personally known by  and responsible to the people. It was committed to non-racism and justice and equality for all. It brought together all South African  dedicated to these ideals regardless all class, race,  religion and ideology. It was a home to all who were committed to ending not only  apartheid but attended social ills of poverty, violence, injustice and conflict--including like myself many white South  Africans . Today of the leaders of the UDF (and those of the ANC who truly care about creating a better future for all) have resigned from politics or fight a valiant but  losing battle against the pig-trough mentality which predominates.
Under its present  leadership the ANC is reverting more and more to the rhetoric and values of apartheid-- a new apartheidwhich  is the divide between the rich and the poor.The ANC is no longer the progressive force it once was. Secrecy, self interest, elitism, disdain for the poor and homeless, and even racism (witness Malemas claim that all whites are criminal and the general attitude of holding whites to blame for the countries problems )  seem to be its guiding principles. They have bought whole heartedly into the  system it once fought- a corrupt and inequitable system which is creating alienation,  poverty , conflict and economic apartheid on a  global level - and allied  with an international  predatory elite which keeps the poor in place through a system of wage and debt slavery.   To its credit it has bettered the lives of millions of  impoverished South Africans with grants and housing, water and electricity but has done nothing to challenge the systemic causes  of poverty, which is in fact on the increase. It does also seem that the good it has done is done reluctantly and cynically with the intent of winning votes and holding power rather than from a true sense of  social justice. I have no desire to belabour the shortcoming of our present leaders suffice to say that none of them come close to filling the shoes of past ANC leaders who gave their lives and their freedom in the hope of a better future for all. They were activists and heroes. Today our so called leaders are faceless bureaucrats. Where is the organisation of which we were once so proud??   It held so much hope and promise.
By abandoning the values for which we fought the present leaders of the  ANC have forfeited the right to lay exclusive claim to the heritage of the liberation struggle. That heritage belongs to all those who fought for and still strive for those values, whether members of the ANC or not.  We need to reclaim that spirit of activism, solidarity  and defiance which helped us overcome apartheid.  It is beyond time for a re-alignment of South  African politics—for those progressive forces  that still hold to the values of justice and equality for all South Africans regardless of class race or creed to come together and reclaim that heritage—to remember what it was we  fighting for. It was certainly not to replace one group of corrupt and self seeking  rulers  with another who differ only by the colour of their skin. Where are the leaders who will represent  all South Africans – not just the rich and powerful.??

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