We need to realise that a time might be coming when we cannot rely on governments, police, corporations to protect us and supply our basic needs. We also need to stop seeing that as a tragedy as the author of this article does. We should see it as an opportunity to build a new society. We need to start to prepare now, by become less reliant on the role the government and corporations play in our lives and becoming more self-reliant. We need to start growing our own food, developing our own communications networks, we need to move away from reliance on gadgets, quick solutions and unsustainable growth, We need to build networks of people that can be relied on not to turn on each other in crisis but willing to work for the common good, people that are not corrupted by materialism and capitalism, people that are not buying into a fantasy of redemption from some external force, like a coming messiah, or a miraculous rapture. We need to move fast, as like the author of this article, I believe this time is coming faster than we realise.
This is not Armageddon or Ragnarok, the judgement of the gods for our imagined ungodly behaviour, This is a situation of our own design,
We have made it, and only we can unmake it
I agree — we need a new global drug policy that ends drug prohibition. I drafted this vision and “Proposed Amendment of UN Drug Treaties— 2014” for LEAP. https://www.unodc.org/documents/ungass2016//Contributions/Civil/Law_Enforcement_Against_Prohibition/LEAP_UN_Treaty_Amendment_2.26.1421-1.pdf