Thursday, 22 August 2019

What is White Minority Capitalism

My take on White Minority Capitalism: WMC does not refer to the average white person (who by the way does earn a lot more than the average black person and not because they are naturally superior and better in any way but because inequality is built into the system) but it refers to that class of people (,who do happen to be mostly white) who control and run the finances of the world.( the 1 per cent of the population who control 80 per cent of the world's wealth.) 

The real problem is not that white people on average earn far more than their black counterparts for doing the same job and consider themselves superior because of this accident of birth. The real problem is that most white people continue to support the ongoing agenda and rule of this 1 per cent....(with whom the only thing they have in common is this accident of birth) thus alienating themselves from the majority of humanity. In reality they are not and will never be part of the WMC class (the 1 per cent who control the finances of the world) but imagine themselves to be part of it because they are conned into believing that because they are white ( like most of the 1 per cent is) that this group of people (the 1 per cent) is somehow looking out for them and represents their best interest. Get over yourself . .. you are no more than cannon fodder to them ..useful idiots who will continue to support them in their quest for world domination...stop identifying with and supporting the agenda of people (the true owners of WMC) who don't give a toss for you but only for their own survival. 

Stop identifying with the agenda of supremacists and racists who represents the interests of this class. They survive only because they have succeeded in dividing the rest of humanity. They are the real enemy of humanity. Their agenda is precisely to convince you that you are one of them when you can in reality never be. You are seen as one of them because you choose to put their interest above the interests of your fellow humans. As long as you do this you will be on the side of WMC, the 1 pc, against the rest of humanity. It's your choice and it's time to choose.

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